Monday, May 14, 2018

Standing up for those in need.

This afternoon at our final Johnson County Supervisors forum, we were asked a question that went something like this: there are times to show political leadership and there are times that it can be divisive and be like poking the bear. The question went on to give examples as minimum wage and sanctuary cities. Should Johnson County stop poking the bear?

I can't stop thinking about this question. First and foremost, there are no sanctuary cities or counties in Iowa. Johnson County's official position is that County employees will not participate in ICE raids and will not hold people without a warrant. The days of informal detention taking away someone's civil liberties just because a good old boy at ICE asked should be over. County employees have important and full-time jobs. It is not their role to enforce federal immigration laws.
Raising minimum wage in Johnson County helped thousands of residents living in poverty. It raises household income and had no measurable negative impact on local business, the economy or unemployment. While the County can't enforce our ordinance, many local workers have demanded the higher wage and many employers are honoring the $10.10 minimum. This was by far the most rewarding "controversial" vote I have ever made.
People in positions of power should use their power and voice to help people in need. I will never stop speaking up for low wage workers, people living in poverty and immigrants. I believe to do otherwise would be unconscionable.  

If the sleeping bear is mad at me, then I guess it is time for a political fight. I'm sick of politicians dividing us based on income, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. We all need to stand up and make our voices heard in public settings and most importantly at the ballot box.  I've studied archeology enough to know that every single American comes from an ancestry that didn't start in the US. I know that our DNA is much more alike and from common ancestors, than we appear today. We need to embrace what makes us different and what makes us the same.

After the forum, Robin and I ran up to the Federal Building in Cedar Rapids to speak out against the ICE Raid in Mount Pleasant and the fear gripping the immigrant community. I grew up in a small town where migrant workers had a rich history working the fields, tomato factories, building railroads and on the river. I have always known that this country was founded and built by immigrants. We need to stand with the Dreamers in DACA, we need meaningful immigration reform and we need a path to citizenship. We need to stop taking advantage of immigrant labor and turning our backs on them when their families are torn apart. What happened in Postville ten years ago and Mount Pleasant last week is shameful and unamerican.

If I am poking the bear, then so be it. The people filled with hate and discrimination have been in charge too long. I'm proud to speak up for those working low wage jobs and for immigrants.

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